Archives: June 2024

  • More great Donald Brown!

    To celebrate the June 4-5 recording anniversary of Donald Brown's first album as a leader ("Early Bird" - 1987), you'll see we've added editions so all of Donald's originals from this album are now available for you to study and play …

    We couldn't find the exact day in June that Donald recorded his trio album The Sweetest Sounds which also contains Donald's first recordings of two more of his classic compositions Affaire D'Amour and Nature's Folksong, so we're are also making those lead sheets available now.

    On June 6, 1987, the next day after Donald completed his "Early Bird" album, saxophonist Bill Pierce went into the studio making the first recording of Donald's Afronomical. A masterpiece!

  • The bass lines came first!

    Today, June 3, is the recording anniversary of two important jazz standards.
    When Kenny Dorham suggested to Joe Henderson that each write a bass line first, then create a melody on top of it, for Joe Henderson's "Page One" album, they had no idea that these bass lines would ignite the creation of two important jazz standards: Kenny Dorham's Blue Bossa and Joe Henderson's Recorda-Me. Get the whole story on the Historical Notes pages for The Forgotten Line and Blue Bossa.

  • You 'N' Me, an Al Cohn classic!

    You 'N' Me! We're starting our June recording anniversary celebration off this year with Al Cohn's original recording (with Zoot Sims) of this great composition. We hope you'll also check out our June 1-7 video which starts with Al's The Note, which is from the same album.

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