1000 Rainbows – Buddy Montgomery
This song is a great example of Buddy Montgomery's boundless creativity: the two versions he recorded are completely different in almost every way while still being recognizably the same song. The recordings by Jim Rotondi and Isaiah Thompson are both based on Buddy's second version; the first version, with its simple melody and arrangement, is a great starting place to explore Buddy's unique style.
- Recording: Buddy Montgomery - Ties
- Recorded on: 1977
- Label: Bean (BW 102)
- Concert Key: E-flat minor
- Vocal Range: , to
- Style: Funky 2-feel (medium)
- Trumpet - Oscar Brashear
- Tenor Sax - Harold Land
- Piano - Buddy Montgomery
- Bass - Bob Badgley
- Drums - Carl Burnett
- Conga - Buck Clarke
- Description
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- Solos
- Piano Corner
- Bass Corner
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- Minus You
Buddy Montgomery recorded two completely different versions of this song. They are recognizable as the same song in their form (64-measure AABC), harmonic structure, and general melodic direction. Both are built around rhythmic bass lines. This first arrangement's bass line is rhythmically similar to the groove from Ahmad Jamal's classic version of Poinciana, though it's not doubled by the drums. The melody of this version of 1,000 Rainbows is extremely simple and outlines the chord progression; most notes in this melody are at least eight beats long (long hits on beat 4), giving the pianist plenty of space to fill in as Buddy does on the recording. The combination of the pulsating bass line, the long-tone melody, and the drum part, which follows the melody's hits with cymbal rolls, creates a dark, warm, slightly mysterious sound that on the recording influences the solos, even though the groove changes to a half-time funk.
The solo changes are simplified slightly from the head changes, without the pedal point from the A sections of the head. The two hits on the last measure of the bridge are preserved in the solos; these have a clever substitute cadence back to E♭ minor (Fm7 to A♭m7 over C♭). In the intro, the piano sets up the bass line for eight measures; the bass and drums come in for another eight measures. The rhythm section plays a 16-measure coda that essentially tags the last eight measures of the head twice.
About the arrangement: 2nd parts, a bass part and a condensed score are available for the 2-horn arrangement. The horns are harmonized throughout the melody, beginning in 4ths in the A section and 3rds in the bridge; the end of each section is in 5ths.
Click on the Bass Corner tab for details about the bass part. Pianists and drummers should read the Concert Condensed Score.
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- Recording: Buddy Montgomery - Here Again
- Recorded on: July 21, 1997
- Label: Sharp Nine (1008-2)
- Concert Key: E-flat minor
- Vocal Range: , to
- Style: Funky 2-feel (medium)
- Piano - Buddy Montgomery
- Bass - Jeff Chambers
- Drums - "Killer" Ray Appleton
- Conga - Wilson Corniel, Jr.
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There is a 16-measure intro featuring the bass alone, setting up the bass line from the first 16 measures of the head. The coda, which is shown on the C treble clef lead sheet, vamps the same 16 measures and fades out, with piano chords on the "and" of beat 1 that answer and "bounce" off the bass line where it hits on the "and" of 4. Click on Bass Corner for more details on the bass part.
Because the piano melody is in a relatively low register, we have a guitar lead sheet written an octave up. Click on Piano Corner for a description of the piano melody transcription.
Due to the slower tempo, we have chosen to mark the form in eight-measure sections: A and B for the repeated first section, C and D for the bridge, and E and F for the last section.
The fourth and eighth measures of the solo section are written with a whole rest in parentheses, with a piano voicing shown on the C lead sheet. Buddy leaves space in these measures, using the voicings to "answer" his solo lines.
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- Recording: Jim Rotondi - 1000 Rainbows
- Recorded on: October 16, 2008
- Label: Posi-Tone (PR 8062)
- Concert Key: E-flat minor
- Vocal Range: , to
- Style: Funky 2-feel (medium)
- Trumpet - Jim Rotondi
- Vibes - Joe Locke
- Piano - Danny Grissett
- Bass - Barak Mori
- Drums - Bill Stewart
Purchase 1000 Rainbows - Buddy Montgomery
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In the solos, bassist Barak Mori really plays close to the bass line from the head, rather than the simpler pattern used in the solos on Buddy's recording.
In our lead sheet editions we elected to give you two different ways Buddy played his melody in second and fourth measures of the B and F sections, which are otherwise the same. Jim's arrangement has flugelhorn and vibes together on the melody; he chose to use the same melody at both B and F, which is almost the same as we show for F on the lead sheet.
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- Recording: Isaiah Thompson - Isaiah Thompson Plays The Music Of Buddy Montgomery
- Recorded on: August 27, 2019
- Label: WJ3 Records (WJ3 1025)
- Concert Key: E-flat minor
- Vocal Range: , to
- Style: Swing (medium)
- Piano - Isaiah Thompson
- Bass - Philip Norris
- Drums - Willie Jones, III
Purchase 1000 Rainbows - Buddy Montgomery
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The solo section starts with a looser bass line, but again in an even-8ths groove; the bridge goes to swing again with walking bass, and stays there for the rest of the solo choruses. The coda is the same as the intro, going to a final chord with no repeat or fade.
This arrangement is further testament to how versatile this song is—and how fun the changes are for soloing; this trio is having a great time especially when they start swinging.
This composition is beautiful yet it's funky, and that's what makes it so great. But it also makes it hard to play. The bass part is available separately so that the bassline accurately blends well with the vibe of the tune. Buddy's light touch really shows how it's possible to play something that grooves so hard without sacrificing its tenderness.
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Buddy Montgomery
January 30, 1930 – May 14, 2009
Buddy Montgomery’s music was straight ahead bebop jazz. He played in many styles, but always with a bebop approach. With no formal training, he played entirely by ear in any key, choosing what he felt were the most beautiful and creative chord changes, making his compositions challenging and inventive. He infused lyrical ballads with warmth and swung hard as well. Though he never crossed over outside of jazz, his music is accessible to casual listeners but still prized by jazz fans. Read more...