Garden In The Sand – Hank Mobley & Bebe Herring
A sensual bossa nova by Hank Mobley gets a poetic, abstract lyric by Bebe Herring about a garden that magically thrives in the desert. Exclusive MP3s available: complete track and Minus You practice track without vocals.

Hank Mobley
July 7, 1930 – May 30, 1986
Hank Mobley is one of the most acclaimed tenor saxophonists in modern jazz history. He is recognized by musicians and critics alike as one of the most important and eloquent jazz instrumentalists of all time. He recorded well over 100 of his own original compositions and left an indelible mark on the post-bop jazz scene. Read more...

Bebe Herring
born on September 13, 1951
Bebe Herring, better known as Elizabeth Boleman-Herring, is a travel writer, columnist and lyricist. She has written a series of travel guides to Greece and maintains the website which offers insight on Greek travel and culture. Elizabeth is a columnist for the "Huffington Post" and the Publishing-Editor of "Weekly Hubris." She is a Traditional Usui Reiki Master and a Iyengar Yoga teacher. Elizabeth has written several books, among them the memoir "Greek Unorthodox: Bande A Part & A Farewell To Ikaros" and an erotic thriller "The Visitors' Book." Read more...